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Call Cindy! 805-886-2215



The Little Big Riding School

40 years of experience

Offering Kids Riding Lessons, Kids Summer Camps and Trail Rides for all

Come enjoy horseback riding! Cindy McClellan at The Little Big Riding School offers the best in horseback riding lessons and trail rides.  Bring the kids to the Santa Ynez valley for lessons, or bring the family for a trail ride.  Cindy offers Year 'round programs, Summer, Christmas, Special events, Birthday parties, and custom tailored engagements.


The Little Big Riding School is located off Highway 154 just minutes from Highway 101.  We are 5 minutes away from beautiful Solvang, and the Chumash Casino Resort; 30 minutes up the hill from Santa Barbara; 2 hours north of Los Angeles; 5 hours south of the San Francisco Bay area; and just a six hour plane ride from NYC (for you City Slickers out there!)  Click here for a map to find us


If you are visiting from outside the area - and you should be! - enjoy a scenic trail ride, or get your kids a quick lesson as part of a leisurely weekend.  You'll find a wide range of recreational activities - wine tasting, hiking, bicycling, shopping, dining, and of course, Horseback Riding - here in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley and surrounding areas.


Cindy McClellan has been actively involved with horses since age 5, trained under local trainers Tom Shelly and Sandy Collier, and has managed ranches since 1982 in Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez, California.


Cindy is the owner of The Little Big Riding School in Santa Ynez where she currently provides after-school, Western horseback riding lessons for child and teenage riders, trail-riding activities for the whole family, summer and Christmas camps for kids, general horse boarding and training facilities, and operates the Dunn School Horse program during the Summer months.


Cindy is also a member of the Santa Ynez Valley Equestrian Association, and a past member of Santa Ynez Valley Trail Riders, The Fillies (a local women's horseback riding group), Valley Penners Association (VPA), and The National Barrel Horse Association (NBHA).  She has participated in many events with Rancheros Vistadores.


She recommends a Santa Ynez Valley Journal column by local writer Pat Murphy, "Hoof Beats with Pat Murphy," because, as Cindy puts it...


"Everyone can ride!"


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